Works information
Find out about the latest works, tenders, plants, services that our clients manage in the Nalanda Community, complemented with additional works information and offer your goods and services.

Quem somos ...
A database that informs you of the latest works, services, plants, and production centers of our contractors, as soon as you register to use the Document Management service.
The information is complemented with external sources to be able to inform you of thousands of works of nationally and internationally.
It allows you to configure alerts for your sales force, so that it can offer your products and services on time.

How does it work
Enter the service and filter by type of work, geographical location, project volume, etc., to know your sales possibilities
Set alerts, according to the above criteria, to all the people in your company who might need this information.
The people involved receive their alerts by email to carry out commercial actions.
Give access to as many users as you need within your organization to carry out their own client prospecting
How do I get it?
Subscribing at an unbeatable price.
Local Visibility
A year
Local visibility up to 2 CCAA
Full visibility
A year
National and International Visibility
* Remember that you can also contract your Works Information with one of our Service Packs.
As a reward for your loyalty
If you are a client of our Document Management service, two years after your subscription, from the “My Summary” page that you access as soon as you log in, you can request the free activation of the Works Information service. Check it out.
What benefits do you get
Be the first to offer yourself to the most reliable.
Our contractors inform us before anyone else of the projects that are awarded to them in order to prepare for the mandatory QHSE & Administrative document management
Also international works
Our close relationship with our construction companies allows us to offer you the most up-to-date construction information, not only nationally but also internationally where great business opportunities open up.
More information sources.
We complement our information by compiling public information websites for you.
The most economic rate on the market, because you pay only for what you really need.
We do not flood you with information but with real works at the right time with the relevant information so that you can attack them commercially
Your sales force informed on their smartphones in a personalized way.
You can create, without additional costs, as many profiles as you need so that your staff only get the information they need by type of work, project volume, construction company, type of work, etc.