Cookies policy

What is a cookie?

Cookies are small files with information generated by a website that are stored in the user’s browser, so that the website can consult the previous activity of the browser and offer you a better experience. You can save information about a course taken on the website itself, your interactions, your preferences, etc.

Misconceptions about cookies

Cookies do not store information sensitive about the user such as credit cards or bank details, neither photographs nor personal data. Cookies are not viruses that can infect or delete user data, nor will they generate pop-up windows.

What types of cookies exist?

  • Technical cookies: they allow us to store options from our website, such as identifying a session, accessing extra or restricted content, etc.
  • Personalization cookies: they store information previously customized by the user, such as personalizing the home page of our browser.
  • Analysis cookies: allow data to be stored on how the user navigates Username. In this way, browsing habits can be analyzed and detected and the website can be improved to adapt to the browsing needs of users.
  • Advertising cookies: created to manage and optimize aspects related to with the advertising that the user receives, such as the frequency with which an ad is shown.
  • Behavioral advertising cookies: created to manage and optimize advertising spaces of the websites storing data on your browsing habits. This type of cookies allows, for example, to show the user advertising banners that they may be potentially interested in.

Own and third-party cookies

Own Cookies

JSESSIONID: It is a login cookie for the platform. The cookie is used to maintain an anonymous user session on the server. It expires at the end of the user session.

Third Party Cookies

Hubspot: We use hubspot as a marketing and sales tool, as well as to the management of potential clients and those interested in our services. You can find out more by reading their cookie policy.

< p>Acumbamail: We use cookies from this tool to facilitate the management of massive electronic mailings to all our clients related to administrative issues. You can find out more by reading their cookie policy.

Mailchimp: We use cookies from this tool to facilitate the management of massive electronic mailings to contractor and subcontractor clients for various purposes: commercial, informative, own account management, etc. You can find out more by reading their cookie policy.

< b>Google Analytics: We use cookies from this tool to obtain statistics on the use and monitoring of users who enter the web. You can find out more by reading their cookie policy .

Everwebinar: A tool to manage various webinars on specific services or specific topics. You can find out more by reading their cookie policy.< /p>

Video platforms such as YouTube, and Google tools for video and file sharing are also used. Also take a look at their cookie policy ( Youtube) and cookie policy (Google).

Can cookies be deleted?

It is possible, not only to delete, but also to block cookies in a general way or in a particular way for a specific web domain. However, for proper operation and a better user experience, we do not recommend blocking cookies.

To delete cookies from a website you must do so through your browser settings.

At Nalanda Global, in order to facilitate the process for those who want to prevent the use of cookies, we identify the links to the cookie settings of the most popular browsers below: